Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vocalo debut and Improvments (Sept)

I edited together a story about housing discrimination which you can find under short docs.

It will e airing on vocalo, a collaborative radio station based out of Chicago, IL.

I've been going through another round of improvements on the website as I am determined to make it more navigable. For your convenience there is now a google search bar and will be a tag cloud as soon as I figure out the glitches. That is all a work in progress.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TIC Proposal Accepted

I got an email last week telling me that my Translating Identities proposal has been accepted. I am talking with the people to see what kind of space is available so I can move forward with my design plans.

I am also pricing out banners and blue print printing in order to get a rough estimate of what the exhibit will cost to put together.