Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Installation possibilities

What was most immediately interesting to me about the project was the actual footwork--doing interviews, starting conversations, visiting archives. Now that I have collected some material, I am spending more time think about what I am actually ging to do with it. I started out my project assuming I was going to make a documentary. However, lately I've been thinking about alternative ways to present my material. I want to involve people in history; help them feel connected to it; engage them in the process of building connections through it.

I've come up with the idea of creating an interactive multimedia history exhibit. It will be more work, but there is the potential of soliciting community involvement, which is very appealing to me. Also, it could be presented in various situations and tweaked to the audience. It would start on campus, but then I would hope to put it in more queer places, like at next year's Translating Identities Conference.

More to come as the idea unfolds...

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