Thursday, July 16, 2009

Progress Since May

I have not updated this blog in months but I have been making progress, so here is a quick rundown…


I wrote into the Translating Identities Conference telling them about my project and asking if I could do an instillation of the exhibit during the conference at the end of October. They responded very positively and encouraged me to apply to host a session.


I got a call from Brattleboro, Vermont asking if I could make a video clip to show at gallery walk, a monthly festival where art galleries stay open late and host various events. The Hooker Dunham Theatre was showing a queer rights film in honor of stonewall and wanted to use show a clip in the Gallery space. I create a small clip and sent in a flyer with info about me and the project on it.

I edited a clip from Bet Power’s interview and uploaded it to the website. It was the official first short doc clip.


I also moved to Chicago where I got in contact with people from GednerWorks and the Gay Liberation network. A cross-dresser who works with GLN agreed to be interviewed and expressed interest in conducting some oral history interviews.

The GLN invited me to be interviewed on their Public Access TV show. I am still waiting to confirm the interview but I will post about it if I end up doing it.

I finally filled out a bio and session form for the Translating Identities Conference and am e-mailing the transcending boundaries conference.

I am off to the Allied Media Conference as I type this. The conference kicks off with a session about transgender representation in independent media. Armed with flyers, business cards, and enthusiasm, I’m ready to meet potential allies.

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